new parliament building india

 As of my knowledge cutoff in September 2021, the construction of a new Parliament building in India was underway as part of the Central Vista Redevelopment Project. The Central Vista is a government district in New Delhi that houses important buildings, including the Parliament House.

The new Parliament building project aims to provide a modern and technologically advanced facility to accommodate the evolving needs of the Indian Parliament. The proposed design, created by architecture firm HCP Design, Planning and Management Pvt. Ltd., features a triangular-shaped building with a central courtyard and multiple floors.

The new Parliament building is intended to have increased seating capacity, improved facilities, and enhanced security measures. It is part of a larger redevelopment plan for the Central Vista, which includes the construction of new government buildings, office spaces, and public spaces in the area.

Since my knowledge is not up to date, I recommend referring to recent news sources or official government websites for the most current information on the progress and status of the new Parliament building in India.


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